Jasmine | Rose | Milk Chocolate | Almond

Zelealem Eshetu is a family-owned green coffee grower, wet mill, dry mill and export company based in Addis Ababa. The company owns and operates three coffee washing stations and one dry mill located in the Sidamo region and the Guji zone at Uddo Shakiso Woreda. Zelealem Eshetu has a coffee farm in the Shakiso Woreda and also works closely with smallholders. The fact that the family owns farms and mills allows them to control quality and explore innovative processing techniques.


Compelling Detail

Harvest in the Guji zone generally takes 4 to 5 months. With its moderate temperature, good rainfall and rich, red soil coffee farmers enjoy ideal growing conditions.

from $18.00

Rose Water | Blueberries | Macadamia

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A pleasant surprise.

“Dude, this smells like blueberries! I can definitely smell blueberries. How the heck did you do that?”

— Someone I caught off guard

A change of heart!

“On second thought, I'll take two.”

— The ideal customer

Mr. Indecisive makes a choice.

“Uh.... The fruity one. I'll take the one that smells like the fruit.”

— Anonymous